Kitchener, Ontario, Canada – -(Ammoland.com)-Excalibur Crossbow, the world’s most trusted crossbow brand, will prove that claim with the Crossbow Destruction Challenge video series, launched to illustrate the incredible durability of the brand’s crossbows through a series of torture tests.
The 10-part video series will be featured on a dedicated landing page, www.excaliburcrossbow.com/destructionchallenge, and through the brand’s social media accounts beginning July 18th. The Crossbow Destruction Challenge landing page will feature authentic product testimonials from Excalibur customers and an entry form for a chance to win a brand new Excalibur Micro 355.
“Excalibur Crossbow has set the standard for durability for more than 30 years, and our customers demand a product that is reliable in the field,” said Ryan Hawkins, Product Marketing Manager for Excalibur. “What better way to reinforce this message than to put the Excalibur’s through a series of torture tests to see if they will function properly and accurately.”
Dan Wallace of Huntin’ the Backwood’s TV joined Excalibur for the testing, which included a 4×4 running over the crossbow and dragging it down an airstrip runway behind a pickup truck. After each test, Wallace took the crossbow, loaded it and fired accurately at a nearby target.
Wallace is veteran of crossbow hunting and has been a shooter of Excalibur crossbows for more than 15 years.
“You won’t see this kind of campaign from other crossbow companies for one good reason: their bows would fail,” Wallace said. “With the Destruction Challenge, we put these Excalibur crossbows through some significant stress to see how they would perform. If these bows could withstand the torture we put them through, then anything that would happen in the course of normal, careful operation would be a walk in the park.”
View the Excalibur Crossbow Destruction Challenge beginning July 18, 2016 at www.excaliburcrossbow.com/destructionchallenge
Excalibur Crossbow manufactures and distributes efficient, reliable, and accurate hunting recurve crossbows and other archery accessories. Founded in 1983, Excalibur Crossbow offices and manufacturing facilities are located in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. Excalibur is a member of the Bowtech family of brands along with Bowtech, Diamond, Octane, and Stryker.
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